To understand Jeffrey, you need to know where he came from. Let's talk about TWA, (Turtle With an Attitude). Jeffrey's father was always known as a free spirit. He traveled far and wide and has been rumored to have gotten into many tight situations. On a recent road trip to Leadville Colorado, he was accidentally accused of being involved with a holdup at the local bank. The sheriff caught up with him outside of the Silver Dollar Saloon.
TWA just looked down the barrel of the gun.
After a short stay in the Leadville jail he was brought before the 'Hangin judge', honorable Jim Beam. He had to be released however when all the eye witnesses described the robbers height as being between 5' 7" and 6'. TWA stood only 8 to 10 inches...even on his hind legs.
TWA just looked down the barrel of the gun.
Now is this the face of A GUILTY TURTLE?