Friday, January 29, 2010

Fred and HOT CHICKS...

Most of all, Fred likes HOT chicks.............................

And The Hotties  like him...err HER...ahhh? that is another story!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kids find Fred interesting

Look, Nancy..

Look Nancy look,
all the little people who love Fred.
...Not a bikini in the group!

Is it summer yet?

1/27/2010, 5* with -15*  windchill......

Fred is thinking ahead to the happy days of summer, chillin at the lake. Wherever Fred goes he is the life of the party. For some strange reason people just love the hold fred up and cheer.

Of course there are always those people who wonder what Fred is....Very embarrasing for Fred..How would you like it if we...Oh never mind.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Swamp friends

Hello Jeffrey, We have been following your blog from our home in the swamp. We would like you to come visit someday. You would like it here. We cannot really understand how you could live with those....people.